Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Clara's Sprinkle

Clara's Sprinkle was wonderful! A great way to celebrate her birth and get together with family and friends. Auntie Heather bought Clara this darling cherry outfit for her to wear for the occasion...

As with any trip to Michigan, I always look forward to getting together with my closest friends. After the sprinkle, Heather, Keri, and Sabrina and I got to go out on the town! Having dinner on Main St. in Ann Arbor, drinking Oberon's and catching up on each others' busy lives was a welcome change from my mommy world.

Kensie wore a special dress for the occasion, a Polly Flinders that I found at a consignment shop (with the tags still on!). I know I am biased, but I thought she looked heavenly!

They grow so fast!

Kensie and Clara are growing up...

Kensie still loves to go to the park any chance she gets. She can tell us what she wants to do and not do. She says "wing!!" to go on the swings. We ask if she wants to stop, and she says "Nooo!" She is pretty agile for a toddler, and can run pretty fast and climb just about anything. She can even climb up our bar stool height chairs in the kitchen. This sounds great, I know, but it is also pretty scary, because she can also push the chairs where she wants to go... and that means she can get to just about anything she wants on the counters and shelves. She is also perfectly at ease walking up and down stairs, holding on to the rail or pushing against the wall.

Kensie is also progressing well with feeding herself. She does ok with a fork and spoon, getting most of the food to her mouth and keeping the food on top of the implement from plate to face. She is still a very picky eater and we often have to offer her 5 different things until she agrees to eat a decent amount of dinner. I never thought I would be so accommodating as a mom, but she is so skinny... I truly worry about her calorie intake! She still easily fits into many of her 18 month old clothes, because the waists still fit. Though some of her jeans look like high waters, I don't want to buy her more jeans since summer is just around the corner! For now, she is rocking the "ankle" jean look.
Kensie is getting more interested in learning new things. She asks what things are, over and over again. She doesn't usually say things back, just asks. She will point to my necklace and poke at each stone, one at a time, asking what they are. Stickers are definitely a new favorite thing, which I think is great, since it helps her with fine motor skills. The new stamp set was a big hit... as a puzzle! She didn't quite get the whole concept of stamp the ink, then stamp the paper. She just wanted to stamp the ink a million times. But after I put the ink away, she spent 20 minutes putting the blocks in and out of the case. She also showed me that she could stack them... getting up to 6 on top of each other without crashing!

Clara is growing in less noticeable ways, but surely growing. She sleeps for a 6 hour stretch at night now. I wish I could pick which 6 hours, but it is still kind of random. Sometimes 7pm until 1am. Sometimes midnight to 6am. She is still putting away 5-6oz of milk at each feeding. Her stability and focus still amazes me. She never really felt like a fragile newborn!

Clara's face is looking more and more like a little girl. Her wisps of hair slowly grow and she looks less like a little old man with a receding hair line! She is fitting well into all her 3 month old clothes... which she has a lot of, thanks to the generosity of all our friends and family!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clara is 1 month old!

Clara had her 1 month appointment yesterday. She weighed 10 lbs 8 oz and was 20.75 inches. That puts her weight in the 90th %, her height at 50%, and her head was in the 75th % (but I can't recall the measurement). The doctor also said that she was extremely alert and observant, really looking at things and focusing like a 2 month old! So yes, she is a genius!

We have also learned the Clara is much happier sprawled out on her play gym than swaddled in her bear chair to sleep. Now that we have given up on the cozy chair swing and just let her hang out on the flat (yet cushioned) floor, she falls alsleep much faster. Perhaps she doesn't want to believe she is a newborn and wants to skip right to baby? Last night she was perfectly happy in her sleep sack... and she let me sleep from 10pm to 4am!


We had a very happy Easter on Sunday. Clara slept through most of the activity, but she did so in a very cute fuzzy outfit!

Below, Kensie is checking out the presents the Easter bunny brought her. She got MegaBlocks, A play-doh extruder, a book, bubbles, a bendy stuffed flower, some chocolates, and a Little Mermaid snack holder.
After opening presents we went outside for Kensie to search for eggs. It didn't take long for her to realize that each egg had a gummy bunny inside! And yes, we let her eat every single one (12 in all!). Needless to say, she wasn't really hungry for lunch later. Good thing she had a bowl of Cheerios before the egg hunt...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Clara update

Clara is turning out to be quite the night owl. She has good days and bad, but lately they have all been "bad." Meaning, I have to get up 3 or so times a night and she doesn't go back to sleep after she eats. She wants to be held or she cries like the shrieking siren voices trapped in that golden egg from the Harry Potter movie. She is definitely gaining a lot of weight, though I won't know her new stats until her appointment on Monday. During the day, Clara doesn't mind a good amount of tummy time, which is a good thing developmentally. She will bob her head and kick her legs --- and even almost roll herself over if you let her!

The weather is getting quite warm here, so I don't think I will have many more pictures of her in cute winter clothes and onsies. Who knows why I bought so many things for her! I totally forgot how fast they grow at this age... and sometimes only wear something once before it gets packed away. I will miss this little elephant pj outfit. It is so soft and fuzzy...

I am not a barber

Before... After...I took a stab at cutting Kensie's bangs again, since they were falling in her eyes. I tried this trick I read about online where you take a piece of tape and put it accross the hair where you want to cut it. Then, when she moves, the hair doesn't and you can start back up where you left off. After my initial cuts, Chris decided to give her some "texture," pulling chunks of hair between his fingers and cutting on an angle like they do at the salon. The result is not bad... but we still haven't gotten the knack of doing this right at all... sorry, Kensie! Maybe when you get a little older and learn to sit still we will take you to a professional again!