Team Meyers now has three members... Chris, Jessica, and Kensie.

Here's the story, for those who are interested in the long version. On Saturday we decided to have our friends, Jen and Justin over for meatloaf. For some reason I was craving meatloaf! Anyway, by 2pm, when I was making said meatloaf, my "practice" contractions started feeling a whole lot like the real thing! But, dinner was planned, and darn it, I was going to have everything ready... even if I had to stop every ten minutes to endure 30 seconds of pain. By 7pm J&J were here and the loaf was almost done... and so was I! Chris and I left for the hospital and checked ourselves in. I was already 5cm...
We really thought Kensie was going to be an "easy" delivery, because within another 3o minutes I was at 8cm. I got my epidural and things seemed to be progressing so fast! Our nurse was hoping to meet the little girl before her shift ended at 11:30. But alas, Kensie had turned herself over and was "sunny side up" as they call it. Which is NOT easy to deliver. I tried my best, but she was not coming out easily after all. We prepped for a c-section, but the doctor said we could try one more thing first... forceps and some major pushing action! See pic of Chris in his sexy scrubs....

Anyway, I asked if I could have a glass of water if I delivered by c-section, and the doc said the only way I was getting a drink (of water, or anything!) was if I got her out the old fashioned way. So, dreaming of a cold diet coke, I pushed my little heart out and Kensie arived. A little beat up, but all in one piece. What a trooper!
She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces. Was 20.5 inches long. And came at 4:44am on July 27, 2008. As you can see she has lots of hair! And her eyes are blue -- apparently the color blue that nurses think will stay blue for good.
The one big hitch in the situation is she has jaundice -- the kind that is noticable right away and is caused by having A+ blood, while I have O+. So, she was set up with a billi light system in our room pretty quickly. It looks like a tanning bed. Chris and I spent a lot of time making remarks about her goggles and giveing her weird nicknames. I think she looked most like mothman from The Tick! What can I say, but .... Spoon!!

On Tuesday we all came home. Kensie wore her special "coming home outfit" that I packed, not that anyone really saw it! Here's a picture, to prove she did indeed have a little white dress on and is quite a cute little girl... albeit a tad orange.

More pics and news to come. Gotta go feed my baby now! Love, Jess