Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pre-Halloween fun!

We decorated cookies and painted pumpkins for Halloween. Kensie was really into painting one pumpkin completely purple. The blue paint was not her favorite -- she did a few dots and was done. That one looks like a Smurf pooped on it!

Crawling Clara

Clara has been on the move for weeks now, and we are having a hard time deciding if she is "crawling" or not. Last night I decided to make it official. She gets from here to there with will and determination! It's more of a army crawl, I suppose, but who knows if she will ever do the traditional hands and knees thing before she starts to walk! In any case, we are very proud of her progress in mobility... even if Kensie isn't too thrilled that her toys are no longer safe from drooling lips and sticky fingers.

Smiling Clara - Go Blue!

Clara is such a happy baby... so easy to please!