Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby's Second Ultrasound

As promised, here are pictures of Baby from Jessica's second ultrasound.

Some of these pictures show her little hands. We could clearly see her opening and closing her hands during the ultrasound session.
I think I even saw her smiling once!

When these pictures were taken, Jessica was 32 weeks pregnant. As you can see, Baby is fattening up!

"Look at me! I'm a Baby!"

The next pictures you see of Baby will be when she is out in the world. We'll even start calling her by her real name then!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend in Michigan

Well, we had a wonderful time in Michigan over the long Memorial Day weekend. It was a jam packed time, with Saturday devoted to celebrating my 30th birthday and our baby shower on Sunday. And before I forget, THANK YOU so much to everyone who pitched in and planned all the fun things we did! It was really a great weekend!

On Friday, Heather, Chris, and I all flew in to Detroit. We ate yummy king crab legs with my parents and everyone (except me) stayed up insanely late drinking, playing cards, and talking.

Saturday, I was so happy to have my favorite Jimmy John's subs and get a much needed pedicure with the girls. At 6pm we all congregated at Chris's parents' place for my birthday celebration. It was a lot of fun to see friends and family, especially since we only get the chance to a few times a year. And I must say, this birthday was the birthday of babies!

Not only was there one in my belly, but I got to see little Dominic, Eliana, Vaughn, Evan, and Owen! I tried to at least squeeze each one throughout the night, but probably spent the most time hanging on to the youngest ones who just didn't have any choice in the matter.

Sunday was the much awaited baby shower. About 30 guests came and played games, ate the wonderful food prepared by both moms, and watched me open a pile of presents. I was thrilled with all of the cute clothes people picked out. And rest assured, ever last outfit has already been washed and hung in the closet. If this little girl was born tomorrow, by god she would be well dressed and sucking on a Juicy pacifier!

Again, thanks to everyone for making this weekend very special and fun for me and Chris and baby girl.

Love, Jessica

Guess the Baby's Birth Date

Announcing the new and improved "Guess the Baby's Birth Date and Birth Time" pool. The person who guesses the closest date AND time, without going over, will win an awesome gift. The fabulous, surprise gift will be determined later and will be shipped to the winner. So, stay tuned and add a comment to this post letting us know when YOU think the Baby will be born!

Here is a hint: The expected due date is August 1st, 2008.

Sorry, guesses submitted after July 12th will not be accepted.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby's Ultrasound Pictures

This is a late update, but here are pictures of the baby from April 8th, 2008. The pictures were taken using a 3-D ultrasound. We opted to get an extra ultrasound because we wanted to be positively, absolutely sure of the gender of the new baby.

Baby is in the fetal position! Silly Baby!

Sleepy Baby!

My Baby is an alien!

You can see Baby's face in this one!

We are getting another 3-D ultrasound on May 30th, 2008. That will be in Jessica's 32nd week and the baby will appear much more "babyish" in those pictures

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well, we made it back in one piece from the Dominican Republic for our Babymoon! We went to an all inclusive resort in Punta Cana, which is on the eastern end of the island.

The best part of the resort was definitely the location. The landscaping was absolutely gorgeous-- a real tropical paradise. Every day we looked around and were happy to be far away from work and school.

The ocean breeze from the beach was exactly what the doctor ordered to forget about our stressful busy lives. Every morning we ate right next to the beach and watched these crazy birds steal sugar packets and try to peck into them to get their fix. While the food was less than desirable, at least the view and the company was good.

On the second night we were there, we found the casino. I played the same 4 corners on the Roulette wheel all night (which I picked so they would touch baby girl's estimated due date of 8-1) and ended up winning over $100! Thinking I had figured out this game, we tried the same thing the next night with another $20 and lost miserably! And you guessed it... we tried again the following night with the same result. So much for our plan to fund baby's college tuition with professional gambling!

One final thing I will say about this trip is that we really enjoyed the enormous pool. Every day we found our favorite chairs near this great section of the pool, where it is so shallow that you can just sun bathe right in the water. There was also a bar in the pool, so you could just swim up, sit down, and order whatever you want! The one time we went there, I had a lovely glass of diet coke, while Chris enjoyed some stronger libations.

So, that's about it on the trip. Would we go again?? Probably not. The truth is, no matter how nice the climate and beach, we like our good food and wine. And this place just didn't do it for us.

Love, Jessica

Monday, May 12, 2008

Team Meyers Plus 1

Well, I was going to set up a new blog for friends and family to read all about the baby girl who will soon join Team Meyers, BUT it looks like I already have one! Looks like I was bored back in October of last year and set one up. It's nice to know that my appeal to the gods was answered with a pregnancy soon after I made that first post. On Thanksgiving day I took the test (well, three tests) and we got the good news!

Now we are less than three months away from the estimated August 1st due date. The nursery is painted a lovely shade of pink, the furniture is in place, and all the little baby clothes we have been buying have been washed in Dreft and put in the closet or dresser.

A few weeks ago we took the labor preparation class at our hospital. I must say that those videos were scary, not only because baby heads were popping out of very small openings (ouch --- gimmee the drugs!), but because they were filmed sometime in the 80's, when big hair, Hammer pants, and large plastic glasses were all the rage.

Last weekend we had our first baby shower, courtesy of the lovely navy wives I befriended while Chris was aboard the USS Alexandria. It was a Juicy affair, with pink balloons, roses, and yummy finger foods. It was nice to see everyone and show off my belly! Memorial Day weekend will be the big shower in Michigan with many of our family and friends. And as an added bonus, while we are in town, we will celebrate the BIG 30. Yes, I will say good bye to my twenties, and hello to grown-up-hood. But, I take solace in the fact that no matter how old I get, my dear friends Sabrina, Keri, and Heather will always be OLDER than me. =)

More to come, so stop in again. I'm not sure how often I'll be updating this blog. But, rest assured, I won't go seven months this time!

Love, Jessica