Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kensie Loves...

Kensie loves Owls! She sees one and goes "hooo hooo!" She also apparently loves her friend Leah at daycare. She used to push Leah when she saw her in the morning, but today I found out that the ritual has changed to exchanging hugs each day! And I guess she can even sort of say her name... calling her "Lee." I'm just glad to hear she is saying words that people can recognize. Thursday is her 18 mo. check up and I am not excited about telling the doctor that she can't really say much. She says "ookie ookie" for her Cookie monster doll. She sees a duck and goes "uck." For dinner she says "yummy." The good news is she seems to understand a decent amount... like if you say something about her hair, she will touch her hair. She will take her coat off if you tell her to. And if you ask if she needs a clean diaper she will go over to the door to her room where the changing table is. She is also getting better at holding a fork and spoon to eat her dinner; though crayons seem to baffle her. This may all seem pretty boring, but so you know... as I write this, I am totally freaking out! I just hope I haven't totally screwed up my kid and she will be behind her peers forever!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bath fun!

Kensie went outside in the snow this morning, so when she came in all shivering, I figured it was a good time for a warm bath. We used the jets to make bubbles and she loved it! Here's a pic of her playinig peek a boo with the curtain... a favorite bathtime activity! She also enjoys playing with her foam letters, which she sticks to the wall. She calls all letters "A!!" But, can identify some other tub toys if you tell her to get them.... like boat, duck, and fish.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 2nd

After the new year, we had dinner with our friends, Brian, Molly, Jessi, Pete, and Landon at the Meyers' house. Mutter cooked a lovely veal dish and Chris made some yummy brownies for dessert. Kensie and Landon started off on the right foot... with Kensie running right up to Landon to give him a hug. But, after he grabbed a fistful of her hair, she was a little more cautious! Babies are so weird!!

December 30th...

On the 30th, we went to see our friends at the Terenzi's house. Kensie played with Dominic, Eliana, Drew, and Vaughn. We didn't even try to get them all sitting on the couch for a picture, but I did manage to get 4 of them in one picture!

December 27th...

On December 27th we had Christmas with Mimi's side of the family... a fair number of people gathered at Aunt Patty's house and we played the Greed game. Kensie wasn't too into that, but sure had a great time with her cousins. Even though they get a little rough, she tried to keep up the best she could!! She also took her turn at the piano... which she just LOVED!

December 25th and 26th...

On December 25th, we went to Gigi and Pops house for a Christmas dinner with Aunt Shelley and Bob. Kensie opened a few more gifts, including a puzzle and a circus train!!

On the 26th, Aunt Suzanne and Sean got home and we had yet another Christmas event. Below Suzanne is looking through a scrapbook Mutter put together for her... she sure is getting "crafty" in her retirement!

First Christmas Present Dec 25th

On Christmas morning Kensie opened her one big gift from Santa.... it was a pink kitchen!! It took mommy and daddy a good hour to put it together, but it was totally worth it. Thanks to Aunt Cory, we had plastic food and dishes, too! Could only get one picture of Kensie's face after we revealed the kitchen to her... she was just delighted to get cookin'!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was at our friends' Neil and Nina's house. This is an annual tradition, and Kensie thoroughly enjoyed the attention from everyone. Once Chris and I stationed ourselves at the top of the stairs, Kensie was free to run back and forth from us to the porch and back again. She tried some of the dishes, but was more interested in exploring than anything!