Monday, October 27, 2008

Bye bye froggies

This was the first outfit Chris and I bought together for Kensie after we found out we were having a girl. Chris loved the little froggie feet! But alas, Kensie no longer fits in her 3 month old outfits. She is too long!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good luck!

Good luck on your interviews and tough week ahead. I love you, daddy!

Almost 3 months old!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Good and bad news

First, the good news... it looks like fabulous Auntie Suzanne will be coming to visit next weekend! This will be the first time since Kensie was born, and we are very excited about it.

And the bad... Kensie is sick today, so she was awake and kind of cranky most of the day. She went back and forth between very happy and screaming sad.

We tried to distract her from the pain (that we imagine she must be feeling) by putting her in her jumperoo for a bit. She is still too short for the lowest setting so we put some big books under her little feet. She got the hang of it, and enjoyed the Tropical space for about 5 minutes or so. Can't wait for her to get a little bigger so she can really go to town in it, like her friend Noah used to.

Really fast

Kensie likes it when her chair moves REALLY FAST. Check it out!

Touch the bears...

It's been a few days since I've posted anything, I know. But, by the time I get home from work, Kensie is usually a bottle away from going to bed for the night. It's too bad, too, because she wore a lot of really cute outfits to school this week!

Anyway, we took a number of videos today, because Chris and I got in the mood to make Kensie try out her various toys. And she has been doing some "new" things lately. Like chewing on her hands, and mimicking our faces, and almost rolling over. This video is obviously about touching the bears... on her bouncy seat. For the first time it seems like she is touching them on purpose, not just by accident when she waves her arms around. Pretty cool, huh. Well, we were amused.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Growing girl

Today Kensie wore her overalls for the last time. I put them on and her chubby little calves could not be contained. I heard the cats taunting her... "where's the flood?!" Those mean cats...

Trying to talk

Well, I don't want to jinx it, but Kensie has been sleeping through the night! Starting on Thursday night last week, the day Grandma and Grandpa Crawford came to visit. She goes from about 7 or 8pm to about 6 or 7am. I truly thought this day would be very far away. I mean, who goes from sleeping 5 hours at a time to about 11 hours!?? We think it might have to do with the recent switch to putting her in the crib and the colder temps. But, for whatever reason, we are very happy about the change. In the morning, she is still a happy little girl. I took this video this morning. She was enjoying a ride in the bear chair while looking at the Christmas tree. Yes, a Christmas tree. We figured, why wait? It's cold outside. And we love having the lit tree on when it is dark outside... such a cozy happy atmosphere.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Can we talk??

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Men at work

Chris and Grandpa picked Kensie up from Daycare on Thursday. How cute is that?

No Patience!

Look at that face!

Hangin' with Grandpa

Kensie spent some quality time with Grandpa today. The highlight of the afternoon was watching the Michigan vs. Penn State game. One time she burst into tears when Grandpa yelled at the TV! From then on, Grandpa only made "happy" outbursts. It is a lot easier to do that when Michigan is winning... finally!

Pumpkin Picking!

Today we went to buy pumpkins for Halloween! We got a big one, a medium one, and a baby one. One for each member of Team Meyers. It was a brisk 50 degrees, so Kensie was bundled up for the event. We took her in the Bjorn so she was free to look around and touch the pumpkins. Here is Kensie pictured with her baby punkin...
Here Kensie is saying, "Oooh!" at the pretty orange pumpkins!

How do you like those little ears on her hood?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trying out the chair

After bath time tonight I decided to test out the high chair that has been sitting in our dining room for 3 months collecting dust. Kensie is still too little to use it, but managed to pose for a few shots before demanding her dinner...


Jeans day!

Today Kensie wore her fancy jeans for the first time. Not sure if she likes them very much, seeing as she decided to spit up all over herself after I took a few pictures. But then again, it could have been all the jostling around I do with her when I get into picture mode!

By the way, these jeans are from our friend Kenza, in Paris. They are sized for a 6 month old baby! But, they seem to fit Kensie just fine. Darn those skinny Parisians!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Visit from Auntie Keri!

This weekend my dear friend Keri came to visit and meet Kensie. We kept things low key, which was fine with me... since I am still fighting a nasty cold. We did manage to stay up past midnight both Friday and Saturday night, playing Dominos, Wii, and watching Tivo'd episodes of Grey's Anatomy and House. We spent the days shopping mostly.
We visited the outlet malls, and found great deals on baby clothes, including the cute cream with roses jumper pictured to the left. It was my first trip to a Children's Place and I was pleasantly surprised. Very good deals and cute clothes! I was able to stock up on tights for Kensie, so she will be able to wear all the cute dresses I have been collecting for her to wear once the weather gets a little colder and she makes it into the 3-6 month old size range.

We also went to Janie & Jack, which is a favorite of Keri's when getting things for her son Vaughn. That store is not exactly a place to find a deal, but the clothes are absolutely precious! I found a beautiful sweater and onsie for Kensie there. I can't wait for sweater weather! But, for the time being, the weather has been really nice in Connecticut. Keri got to see the best of early fall... the leaves are just starting to change, the sun still shines brightly, and the temp was a balmy 60-70 during the day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny hat

Had to post this picture of Kensie in her funny hat. The weather has been getting into the 50s during the day. She put up with the hat for about 5 minutes. Hope she is more accomidating when it snows!

Some good pics

Some good pictures of Kensie from today. Nothing terribly exciting to report. It's a cold gray day in West Hartford. I have had a hard time getting her down for an afternoon nap, but she finally caved in. It makes me wonder how in the world people get their newborns on a "schedule." I mean, she is just over 2 months old... how can I dictate when she is hungry or tired? I am just recently confidant that I can identify when she is hungry or tired before the wailing starts (at least most of the time) or she passes out (again, most of the time). Anyway, I think today, after she wakes up and eats, we will go to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy a large mirror. She loves looking into one, so I want to have a mirror to prop against the wall in the living room. Then I can put her in her bouncy seat in front of it and let her amuse herself.

By the way, I just love this outfit she has on today. I am pretty sure it is one of the shirts that we got from her friend in Paris, named Kenza.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wide awake

Daddy had to go back to the city tonight. Which is always a sad affair, especially for mommy. Because Kensie has a very bad habit of sleeping the whole ride to New Haven, but crying all the way home. Tonight she only screamed for 20 minutes, but still... it was not pleasant.

Anyway, when we got home and I swaddled Kensie up in the bear chair, she started screaming again. It was her purple face shrill sounding cry. (I believe this is the face Chris thinks makes her like Grimace.) I didn't think she could be hungry, since she ate right before we went to the train station, so just put her binky in her mouth and begged her to calm down. After about five minutes, she did fall asleep. But, did she stay asleep.... no! She woke up 30 minutes later! I think she is getting to the age where swaddling isn't so cozy anymore. At least not all the time. I think she likes to stretch out while she sleeps. It's just a guess, though. Or mother's intuition. It's not like she can tell me what she wants. That would be too easy... =)

This video is especially for daddy, who is surely missing her already.

Chilling with daddy

This was a tough week for the Meyers family. Daddy had to stay in NY through Friday for recruiting functions. So, when he finally did come home, he wanted to spend lots of time with Kensie. He did all the feedings in the evening, the night, and the early morning. I came downstairs on Saturday morning, quite rested, to find them just chilling on the couch together. Two peas in a pod. No fancy outfits or posing. This is the real deal. The bed head of it all.

Wiped out

I learned from Kensie's daycare teacher that she loves to look in the mirror. When I came to visit her at lunchtime on Friday, she was set up in a bouncy chair facing a huge mirror. The teacher, Sandy, told me that she smiles and talks to herself when looking in the mirror. So, I decided to try and replicate this at home this morning. I moved the little mirror on the play gym up over Kensie's head, so she could lay flat and look up at herself. And lo and behold, she started smiling at herself! While she usually tires of the gym after about 10 minutes, this mirror trick kept her happy for an hour. She kicked at the hanging toys and gazed at herself, smiling once in a while. And then, I looked over at her, and she was passed out asleep. It is hard work admiring yourself, I guess.

Evil baby?

What is going on in the head of our little princess? Is she inherently evil? Is she really like Stewie from Family guy, plotting to kill me? Is she getting ready to launch a "laser" at our house if we don't deposit One Million Dollars into her college fund? I guess we won't know for a few years, when her cooing turns into actual words. For now, we will just have to be cautious and spoil her with fabulous outfits, feed her whenever she cries, and hug and hold her a lot. If she is evil, we certainly don't want to be on her hit list!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day Care

So, today I went back to work and Kensie went to Daycare. It was quite a feat, trying to organize all the bags and such that I needed to bring with me today (laptop, diaper bag, pump bag, bottle bag, and purse). And, in order to get the both of us fed, clean, and ready to go, I had to get up at 5:30am! I know I have been getting up this early many times in the last 2 months. But, it is so different when you know you can't take a nap (not that I did very often) and you must be productive and speak intelligently.

Many people have warned me about the drop off at daycare when you first return to work. One suggestion was to have Chris do it, because it can be very emotional. But, hubby was unavailable, so I had to do the deed. I told myself to keep it "business as usual," so I wouldn't burst into tears. For the most part, it worked. When I arrived, there were a few younger girls there who collect babies, but aren't the full time teachers in the infant room. As you can see from the picture, one girl had a lovely nose ring. But, she was very friendly and Kensie seemed to like her right away.

I came back to visit during my lunch, and gave Kensie her bottle, since she started waking up the minute I walked in the door. I wonder if she heard my voice, when I announced my entry? This visit was just what I needed to break up my terribly boring corporate day. However, it made it even harder to finish the day. I cried during the whole 10 minute walk back to the office. I felt like such a fool... but there was nothing I could do but let the tears flow. God, I hope tomorrow is easier.