Monday, September 29, 2008
The burrito
PS: We miss you Daddy!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fun with Jodi and Jason
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bath Video
Kensie continues to love her bathtime, all happy and squirmy. And she continues to enjoy having the water sprayed on her head to rinse. What a spoiled baby, to just get to sit there and get clean. And I am so jealous that it only takes her about 3 minutes to get clean. Wait until she grows up into a big girl and takes 20 minute showers. Will daddy ever get a turn in the bathroom?
Kensie's friends
We got this outfit in Chatham, MA, when I was 9 months pregnant. I am so glad it still fit, since Kensie has been growing so fast lately. I've already had to start a box of clothes that are too small. Mostly it includes shirts and onsies, size NB. On Monday we will find out just how much she has grown when we go to her 2 month doctor appointment. Any guesses on her weight? Kendall is a little over 13 pounds. I am thinking Kensie will be 12.5.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kensie in the Morning
It seems that having Daddy home has put Kensie in an especially happy mood this morning. This video pretty much captures all the highlights. Her messy "bed head", a sneeze, some smiling, and her version of dancing. She really seems to like the music that plays from her bear chair now, and shows it by wiggling around and looking happy. I call this dancing.
Some people might not find this to be the most exciting video, but at this stage, Kensie only does so many entertaining things. Perhaps my attempt at some creative video angles will make up for our little lumps lack of ability to talk and run around quite yet. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Smiling while dozing video
Kensie does the cutest things when she is sleeping, or almost sleeping. The best is when she smiles. I like to think she is dreaming about how happy she is to have mommy and daddy take care of her. Then again, maybe she is dreaming about being a super hero!
Friday, September 19, 2008
She sleeps!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Trying to capture the elusive smile
Monday, September 15, 2008
Daddy's Little Princess
This picture is just for Daddy, who is away in NYC now. He loves to see Kensie STRETCH!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Love you Daddy!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Growth Spurt and Smiles
Another baby carrier
Thursday, September 11, 2008
One Piece at a Time
Sometimes we have to pull out all the stops to get Kensie to fall asleep. Johnny Cash was one of my favorite artists while she was in the womb. No wonder she found the music so soothing...
Monday, September 8, 2008
Clean Baby!

We went to the grocery store today after bath time, which totally wiped us both out. It was so nice to curl up with Kensie on the couch and take a nap together. (No worries, I made sure she was positioned appropriately so she didn't suffocate!!!) She is definitely a Meyers... ready to take on the tradition of being a "bed person."
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Like Father like Daughter

Auntie Heather
Heather brought a gift of the cutest fall outfit from Baby Gap, that should be the right size in a few months. From this day forward, she shall be known as Kensie's "fairy god mother," and have the very important responsibility of keeping Kensie in the latest fashions, help her amass a respectable shoe collection, and take her out for her 21st birthday.
Over the 3 days she was here, Heather really pitched in. She soothed Kensie when she was fussy, fed her a few bottles, and even changed a diaper. She remarked just how great it was to feed Kensie, because the little bean just looked up into her eyes, so lovingly. It just melted Heather's heart.

It was so neat to see Heather go from saying"whoa - how do I hold this baby???" to being perfectly at ease by the time she left. She even got a crash course from Chris on how to properly swaddle a baby. Which as any parent knows, is the key to maximum happiness for little ones.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Kensie's first trip to the mall