Monday, October 27, 2008
Bye bye froggies
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Good and bad news

And the bad... Kensie is sick today, so she was awake and kind of cranky most of the day. She went back and forth between very happy and screaming sad.
We tried to distract her from the pain (that we imagine she must be feeling) by putting her in her jumperoo for a bit. She is still too short for the lowest setting so we put some big books under her little feet. She got the hang of it, and enjoyed the Tropical space for about 5 minutes or so. Can't wait for her to get a little bigger so she can really go to town in it, like her friend Noah used to.
Touch the bears...
It's been a few days since I've posted anything, I know. But, by the time I get home from work, Kensie is usually a bottle away from going to bed for the night. It's too bad, too, because she wore a lot of really cute outfits to school this week!
Anyway, we took a number of videos today, because Chris and I got in the mood to make Kensie try out her various toys. And she has been doing some "new" things lately. Like chewing on her hands, and mimicking our faces, and almost rolling over. This video is obviously about touching the bears... on her bouncy seat. For the first time it seems like she is touching them on purpose, not just by accident when she waves her arms around. Pretty cool, huh. Well, we were amused.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Growing girl
Trying to talk
Well, I don't want to jinx it, but Kensie has been sleeping through the night! Starting on Thursday night last week, the day Grandma and Grandpa Crawford came to visit. She goes from about 7 or 8pm to about 6 or 7am. I truly thought this day would be very far away. I mean, who goes from sleeping 5 hours at a time to about 11 hours!?? We think it might have to do with the recent switch to putting her in the crib and the colder temps. But, for whatever reason, we are very happy about the change. In the morning, she is still a happy little girl. I took this video this morning. She was enjoying a ride in the bear chair while looking at the Christmas tree. Yes, a Christmas tree. We figured, why wait? It's cold outside. And we love having the lit tree on when it is dark outside... such a cozy happy atmosphere.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hangin' with Grandpa
Pumpkin Picking!
Here Kensie is saying, "Oooh!" at the pretty orange pumpkins!
How do you like those little ears on her hood?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Trying out the chair
Jeans day!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Visit from Auntie Keri!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Funny hat
Some good pics

By the way, I just love this outfit she has on today. I am pretty sure it is one of the shirts that we got from her friend in Paris, named Kenza.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wide awake
Daddy had to go back to the city tonight. Which is always a sad affair, especially for mommy. Because Kensie has a very bad habit of sleeping the whole ride to New Haven, but crying all the way home. Tonight she only screamed for 20 minutes, but still... it was not pleasant.
Anyway, when we got home and I swaddled Kensie up in the bear chair, she started screaming again. It was her purple face shrill sounding cry. (I believe this is the face Chris thinks makes her like Grimace.) I didn't think she could be hungry, since she ate right before we went to the train station, so just put her binky in her mouth and begged her to calm down. After about five minutes, she did fall asleep. But, did she stay asleep.... no! She woke up 30 minutes later! I think she is getting to the age where swaddling isn't so cozy anymore. At least not all the time. I think she likes to stretch out while she sleeps. It's just a guess, though. Or mother's intuition. It's not like she can tell me what she wants. That would be too easy... =)
This video is especially for daddy, who is surely missing her already.
Chilling with daddy
Wiped out
Evil baby?