Today we went to the zoo with our friends the Martins. Above is a picture of Kensie and Charlie looking inside the giant eggs in the "learn about the farm" exhibit in the children's petting zoo portion. The whole place was a mad house of kids... running everywhere, climbing in and out, etc. Even though Kensie couldn't run around exactly, she enjoyed watching kids and making happy squealing noises!

Kensie was not too impressed with the large tractor she and daddy are posing with. In fact, "posing for pictures" is something Kensie doesn't seem to like to do at all anymore. She used to just grin for the camera when you made a loud funny noise... but now, it's like she can't be bothered. Oh, they grow up so fast...

One nice thing about this zoo (other than it is FREE), is that it is very large and green and clean. And it is right in the middle of the city! So you can be downtown one second... then step into this whole other world! The only way you know you are still in the city is the looming skyscrapers in the background.