On Saturday we like to get chores done, but also spend some fun time with Kensie. Here are some things she likes to do now a days...

Kensie is big into bringing you a book and sitting in your lap to hear it. (This makes Daddy feel very special!!)

Kensie also likes to listen to her Elmo talk to her. She can't quite figure out how to squeeze his nose or push his buttons to make him talk, but she tries. She also likes those pull apart toys she is holding... again, she tries to make them go together and apart, but only gets it once in a while. The rest of the time we spend doing it for her... over... and over... and over again.

And finally, the thing she seems to love doing the most lately (other than play chase with Daddy) is peek-a-boo! All you have to do is say "where's Kensie??" to get a game going. The Christmas tree is an ideal hiding spot, as you can imagine. PS: Yes she is wearing mittens in the house. No, I am not that cheap that we don't have the heat on... she just likes wearing them!