Clara is doing great... growing like a weed and such a happy baby! She is sleeping through the night most nights. In fact, we are having to wake her up most mornings to feed her (6-7 ounces at a time!) and get out the door to daycare! She loves spending time in her various bouncy chairs, as well as in our laps where she can look around. I haven't weighed her lately, but she is filling out her 6 month onesies nicely. I'm also ready to crack into the size 2 diapers, since the 1's are pretty snug. Her eyes are still a nice shade of blue, which makes her look a bit like Kensie. But, she is losing what little hair she has, and I am worried she will go bald before long!!

Kensie is developing her language skills at a rapid pace now. While many words may not be understandable to others, I can tell what she is saying so much more now. She is putting on her own shoes now and can put her pants on all the way, except for pulling up over her bum in the back -- darn those poofy diapers! She is drinking from a regular cup (with supervision) and can eat food with a spoon without much mess if she really tries. She often tries to practice her jumping, but still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it! I am pretty sure she still weighs the same as she did 6 months ago, right around 24 pounds, but I still keep buying 24 month and 2 T clothes for her... I just know she is going to have a growth spurt eventually!