Announcing the new and improved "Guess the Baby's Birth Date and Birth Time" pool. The person who guesses the closest date AND time, without going over, will win an awesome gift. The fabulous, surprise gift will be determined later and will be shipped to the winner. So, stay tuned and add a comment to this post letting us know when YOU think the Baby will be born!
Here is a hint: The expected due date is August 1st, 2008.
Sorry, guesses submitted after July 12th will not be accepted.
Song Of The Day
8 years ago
Blake and I would like to guess July 30,2008 at 7:57 pm...
Christi and Dennis guess Lily (Our pretend name until we find out her real name) will be born on July 31st @ 7:56pm. See you on August 2nd to cook and clean so you two can spend all your time bonding with our new cherib.
Mutter guesses the baby will be born on Aug. 2, at 6:20am
I am taking 7/29 unless she really likes hanging in Haute Mama's belly. In that case, I say stick around and pick a cool b-day to make your grand appearance: 8/8/08!
My guess is July 25, 2008 at 2:45 PM.
Kelly said "For the pool here is my prediction: July 22nd at 2:38pm."
My guess is that she will be born on August 5 at 3:20 AM. You will have a quick and painless delivery. :)
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