Sorry I haven't written anything lately. It has been busy with Chris's interview and school schedule and my work. It's all I can do to come home from work, feed Kensie, bathe her, get the bottles ready for the next day, cook and eat my dinner, and check a few emails. Once in a while I remember to snap a picture, as evidenced by the last few posts. Anyway, let me catch everyone up!
Last weekend we visited Jon and Carrie in Chicago. United Airlines gave Chris a job offer and they flew us there for free. We got bumped to First Class, which was totally awesome, especially since we brought Kensie. They are so accomidating up there... warmed a cup of water for her bottle, brought us full meals, and doted on Kensie. The extra room also made it much more comfy when holding her the whole trip. Can you believe it... 4 months old and already a 1st class flier!

While we were at J&C's we got to meet their darling son, Charlie. He is 8 months old and totally funny and lovable. Kensie enjoyed tummy time looking at him. And she got to try all new toys and a different play gym. And J&C watched Kensie while Chris and I went to "sell" dinners with the United people. Basically, they are trying to get Chris to accept the job offer by wining and dining us. Which was actually pretty fun!
On the way to Chicago, in the airport at Hartford, Channel 30 news stopped us and asked us our opinion of the new Family late in security. I was on the news! And so was Kensie for a brief moment. Basically I just said that I was happy to have a lane that didn't make me feel like I was holding up regular travellers. It really takes a long time with all her stuff, our laptop, winter coats, etc.

Kensie is starting to be even more interactive than a month ago. She likes to hold things, and chew things, and make loud noises. She sings/talks to herself a lot, too. She will stare at you until you look at her, then break into a huge smile when you look! She also likes toys that squeak, so we try to do that as much as possible. She is ticklish, too, so we like to make her giggle my rubbing her feet and underarms!
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