Well, Kensie finally got sick. Really sick. This video is after I first discovered her fever and gave her some Tylenol. Apparently that stuff works, because she was in a great mood (for a little while). Over the course of the day, her sniffles and coughs got worse. It was hard to feed her. I put her to bed at her normal time, but she woke up about 10pm crying. Even with the inclined mattress, she woke herself up from coughing. When I picked her up I realized how hot she was! Her little face was all pink and her eyes were all gummy with eye boogies! Her temp was 100.4 under her arm, which means her real temp was 1 to 2 degrees higher. I tried to feed her, which didn't go over very well. I gave her Tylenol. Gave her a warm bath. And just walked around with her for a while. When she fell asleep I put her in the bear chair, so she could sleep somewhat upright. The post nasal drip was what was bothering her the most I think. That seemed to be the right thing to do, because she slept until 8am this morning. I woke up at 6am and got ready, so when she did wake up we could go right to the doctor. The doctor checked her out, and verified that she didn't have pink eye or an ear infection, just a nasty cold. Because of her fever and fussiness with eating I couldn't take her to daycare. Today she has been on and off. When she gets super fussy and hot I give her meds and she is happy for a little while. Then it's back to sick baby mode. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow, because I have a lot to do at work before we leave for Michigan!
Song Of The Day
8 years ago
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