We got the chance to visit with Sabrina, Danny, Eliana, Dominic, Keri, Dave, and Vaughn over the holiday. The twins are eating real food, so I offered to help out and get some practice. (Kensie is going to start cereal this month.) Eliana was a good sport in the beginning, but after a while she was like "who is this person??" And she kept trying to get out of her chair and look at her mama. Dominic was in a defiant mood for Sabrina that night. He found spitting his food back out to be loads of fun! Sabrina, joking of course, threatened to throw him out the window and make him a real snow baby.

Kensie was so happy to borrow the twins' play gym while we were in Michigan. Travelling with a baby means lots of luggage, and there just wasn't any room to bring her own gym. All in all, we had three pullmans (2 very large, one regular), a duffle bag, the pump bag, and the diaper bag... and the stroller, carseat, and base. I must say, I really am happy they have those family lanes at the airport, so our 10 bins and bags don't seem like such an inconveniece to people behind us. If they get in our lane, sucks to be them. They had other options! Anyway, here is a cute photo of Kensie in the gym. She is a super roller now, and can go back and forth now. She can get to her back really fast, but only goes back on her tummy once in a while. We usually flip her back after she whines for a few minutes. Lazy baby!
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