Pictured above,
Kensie and her new haircut! What do you think??
Well, it has been a while since I have posted, not for lack of trying! I haven't been able to upload pictures very well for weeks now. I would try and try, and the system would just time out! So, I downloaded a new
internet browser and the first picture I tried to upload worked! Keep your fingers crossed that the trend continues.
Kensie has been eating a lot lately, and growing rapidly. She is eating yogurt and hard biscuits and all sorts of new fruits, like guava and mango! She is also becoming quite the busy-body, always having to see what is going on... even when she is supposed to be eating. She cries when we leave the room, and bounces with glee when we appear. She especially loves seeing animals, like Heather's dog
Dugan and our cats.
Speaking of Heather, we went to Virginia Beach last weekend. Just me and the bean. It was not the most pleasant travel experience, but not bad. We had pretty sympathetic seat-mates, who found
Kensie adorable... even when she was kicking and wiggling most of the trip. At the airport, during our first layover, I had to rush around to find hot water to heat a bottle. It was super tough, because I got behind some freak ordering a special coffee drink (not on the menu) at
Starbuck's and the associate couldn't figure out how to price it. I did eventually get my hot water, but by the time I got to the gate, everyone had boarded and they were waiting for me! Ouch! I hate being "that person." On the trip home we had 2 hours to kill in Newark, so we got
some Yo Baby yogurt and I fed it to her, while we watched the planes taxi in and out.
In other news, we are working on the house a lot, getting it ready to sell. We got new carpet and bedroom furniture. Had the stairs
un-carpeted and finished (who new there was hardwood under there!). Have moved a lot of our "extra" furniture to the basement to make the place appear uncluttered. And have a new front door coming soon. The big things left are painting the front stoop and porch floor.