Kensie is growing so fast! Lately, she has been hitting a lot of milestones... she can make a fish face, she is clapping her hands when you clap yours, she can "give five," and she can sort of tell you what she wants. For example, I was washing dishes yesterday, and she crawled into the kitchen, pulled on my leg, looked up and said "ba!" I got an empty bottle, showed it to her, and she smiled big! So, I filled it up and went into the living room and called her. She crawled to me, I picked her up, and she ate! Maybe it was wishful thinking and good timing, but I am going to count it as a big milestone for communication. She is also trying all sorts of new foods. We went to a party a few days ago and had baked beans! She LOVED them. Personally, I can't stand them, but a friend had left some on her plate and I thought, what the heck? They are little and mushy... let's give them a go. She also had some Monkey bread, which is like a donut. And when we went out to lunch yesterday, she tried french fries (dipped in guacamole - her fave). Don't worry, I'm not going to start giving her all junk food just because she likes it. It is just fun to see what she will eat!
This weekend we went to the consignment shop, because let's be honest... kids outgrow toys too quickly to get new everything! Below is a shot of her with her new activity block. No bells or whistles, because not everything should have batteries or make noises, right? Don't get me wrong, we also got her a piano that plays all kinds of music. But this activity block was just so darn cute... and she crawled right to it when we put her down in the toy section at the store. Come to think of it, that is another great reason to buy used... you can try out the toys before buying!
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