Kensie loves Owls! She sees one and goes "hooo hooo!" She also apparently loves her friend Leah at daycare. She used to push Leah when she saw her in the morning, but today I found out that the ritual has changed to exchanging hugs each day! And I guess she can even sort of say her name... calling her "Lee." I'm just glad to hear she is saying words that people can recognize. Thursday is her 18 mo. check up and I am not excited about telling the doctor that she can't really say much. She says "ookie ookie" for her Cookie monster doll. She sees a duck and goes "uck." For dinner she says "yummy." The good news is she seems to understand a decent amount... like if you say something about her hair, she will touch her hair. She will take her coat off if you tell her to. And if you ask if she needs a clean diaper she will go over to the door to her room where the changing table is. She is also getting better at holding a fork and spoon to eat her dinner; though crayons seem to baffle her. This may all seem pretty boring, but so you know... as I write this, I am totally freaking out! I just hope I haven't totally screwed up my kid and she will be behind her peers forever!!
Song Of The Day
8 years ago
1 comment:
Hey don't worry, Noah barely said anything at 18 months. His doctor thought that was fine because he understood us when we talked just like Kensie understands you guys.
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