We had Gigi and Popsie come visit last week --- many thanks for all your help! Kensie got lots of attention and had so much fun playing with you and going out to the store and the park. As usual, Kensie enjoyed working on her many puzzles (thanks Patti for the new ones!).

Kensie really is a very active girl, always running around and wanting to do things. Below she is dancing with mommy, after changing into a new dress that finally fits! Kensie got a lot of new dresses last week... one for Easter, and three potential dresses for Sean and Sienna's wedding. After trying on the fancy dresses, the only way we could get her to take them off was to let her wear another fun dress. Kensie definitely has opinions about her clothes lately... choosing what shoes she wants to wear, wanting certain hoodie sweatshirts, and even refusing to take off her pajama top in the morning so she can continue to wear it all day!

Now that the weather has really warmed up, Kensie is back to going to the park almost daily. She loves to climb up the slide and swing on the swings. She also likes to say hi to other kids, too. We are so glad that she is outgoing and adventurous, but it also means we have to keep a watchful eye on her every second!

Clara is still doing very well, now 3 weeks old. She eats, and sleeps, and poos... just like she should. She isn't sleeping for very long yet, and eats way more than Kensie ever did at this age. She loves to be held upright so she can look around. Her neck is very strong... as are her legs and arms, which is quite a pain when you try to change her diaper or try to swaddle her.
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