Clara is turning out to be quite the night owl. She has good days and bad, but lately they have all been "bad." Meaning, I have to get up 3 or so times a night and she doesn't go back to sleep after she eats. She wants to be held or she cries like the shrieking siren voices trapped in that golden egg from the Harry Potter movie. She is definitely gaining a lot of weight, though I won't know her new stats until her appointment on Monday. During the day, Clara doesn't mind a good amount of tummy time, which is a good thing developmentally. She will bob her head and kick her legs --- and even almost roll herself over if you let her!

The weather is getting quite warm here, so I don't think I will have many more pictures of her in cute winter clothes and onsies. Who knows why I bought so many things for her! I totally forgot how fast they grow at this age... and sometimes only wear something once before it gets packed away. I will miss this little elephant pj outfit. It is so soft and fuzzy...
1 comment:
She is too cute...both girls are! Congrats!
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