Monday, May 12, 2008

Team Meyers Plus 1

Well, I was going to set up a new blog for friends and family to read all about the baby girl who will soon join Team Meyers, BUT it looks like I already have one! Looks like I was bored back in October of last year and set one up. It's nice to know that my appeal to the gods was answered with a pregnancy soon after I made that first post. On Thanksgiving day I took the test (well, three tests) and we got the good news!

Now we are less than three months away from the estimated August 1st due date. The nursery is painted a lovely shade of pink, the furniture is in place, and all the little baby clothes we have been buying have been washed in Dreft and put in the closet or dresser.

A few weeks ago we took the labor preparation class at our hospital. I must say that those videos were scary, not only because baby heads were popping out of very small openings (ouch --- gimmee the drugs!), but because they were filmed sometime in the 80's, when big hair, Hammer pants, and large plastic glasses were all the rage.

Last weekend we had our first baby shower, courtesy of the lovely navy wives I befriended while Chris was aboard the USS Alexandria. It was a Juicy affair, with pink balloons, roses, and yummy finger foods. It was nice to see everyone and show off my belly! Memorial Day weekend will be the big shower in Michigan with many of our family and friends. And as an added bonus, while we are in town, we will celebrate the BIG 30. Yes, I will say good bye to my twenties, and hello to grown-up-hood. But, I take solace in the fact that no matter how old I get, my dear friends Sabrina, Keri, and Heather will always be OLDER than me. =)

More to come, so stop in again. I'm not sure how often I'll be updating this blog. But, rest assured, I won't go seven months this time!

Love, Jessica


Gruetzmachers said...

Where are the pictures of you with the preggers? We want pictures Jess. Reading all those words hurts my eyes.

Mutter said...

I love this blog. It is like reading the journal of the events leading up to the birth of baby girl Meyers. I was so happy to be part of both showers and the 30th b'day party. I will keep checking this site for updates.